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A Childhood of Abuse While Growing Up in the Hood

A Woman's Past Created From a Cyclic Bloodline

Somewhere out there, someone is thinking they have no reason to be traumatized, that what they went through isn't a big deal, and that what they struggle with on a daily basis means nothing compared to what others who have gone through "worse" have to struggle through. That's one of the very reasons I wrote this book, so someone will know their trauma is valid. Their struggle is valid. Their feelings are valid. I wrote this so someone will know they have someone in their corner understanding them, they have someone who sees them and their life's journey, and they have someone who is rooting for them. 

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A Childhood of Abuse While Growing Up in the Hood tells my story from when I was a little girl and my journey growing into a woman, though my life hasn't stopped there. I was raised in an abusive home and was surrounded by violent chaos in my community. This book details my life's experiences up through my late 20s. It's a mixed collection of most of my childhood memories that I can recall - with the help of journal entries and family stories - and some of my life as an adult. A Childhood of Abuse While Growing Up in the Hood shares some of my imperfections, trauma history, and offenses. I'm hanging in there and am continuing my life's journey.

Liam Hope's

A Life's Journey
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